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When remodeling a kitchen What comes first?

When remodeling a kitchen What comes first

What Comes First in Kitchen Remodeling? When remodeling a kitchen, it is critical to begin by removing the old materials. This is referred to as kitchen demolition. Kitchen demolition can be a daunting task, but it is doable with the right tools and guidance. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps necessary to…

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Should you do floors or kitchen first?

Should you do floors or kitchen first

Do You Start With The Floors Or The Kitchen? When installing wood floors, many people think they should do the kitchen first. The reasoning behind this is that the floor will contract and expand as the temperatures change and moisture increases or decreases. This can cause the floor to buckle and subsequently damage. However, doing…

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What should you not do in a kitchen remodel?

What should you not do in a kitchen remodel

When Remodeling a Kitchen, What Should You Never Do? It is critical to avoid costly mistakes when planning a kitchen remodel. Here are some things to keep in mind. Make an accurate layout of the space before beginning any work. This will help you plan where everything should go and avoid major blunders. Another thing…

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